Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Understanding High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

The blood pressure reading consists of two numbers. The first number refers to the contraction of the heart. This is how the blood is propelled and kept the cycle going. This number is the systolic reading. The second number represents the amount of pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries, and is called the diastolic pressure. Some doctors say that today is the perfect blood pressure 115/75. But in reality, it seems that everyoneIndividual has his or her own ideal blood pressure, with many factors.

In ancient times it was believed that the upper value should be) (systolic blood pressure 100 plus the age of the person. But we now know that blood pressure should generally remain the same throughout life. Your doctor will tell you if you have the correct pressure for you, or if they are too high.

What are the causes of high blood pressure is actually a controversial subject. Some doctors believe thatSpecific causes might be impaired renal function, body toxins, constipation, excessive alcohol consumption and heavy smoking. They also believe that malnutrition may, emotional stress and glandular imbalances contribute to high blood pressure. High salt consumption is also seen as a cause. Probably any one factor or a combination of several or even all the factors, the real problem.

Treatments to reduce high blood pressure can be many. The elimination of refined sugar andwhite flour, refined foods in general, can help alcohol and coffee in the food. In addition, a reduction in salt intake, lose weight, and smoking can contribute to lowering blood pressure. Another thing to do is to try and eliminate as much stress in your business and personal lives as possible. It is not worth dying success in business only to an early death.

Many doctors think that the perception is very important also in lower high blood pressure. Even people in middle age,can not be regularly exercised in the year to improve their blood pressure by exercising too. A doctor should be before embarking on any exercise program especially if you are consulted not exercised for a while.

Walking is an ideal exercise for people in middle age, with a start. A phased program daily walk, which begins with a short time and leads to up, is a 30-60 minutes walk is ideal. This daily walk is exercise of blood vessels. Be the continued habit of daily walksIncreasing the blood flow to the body and its return to the heart, in response to the muscles to continue the. The heart itself is also a better blood flow and more blood vessels will open.

There is also another side to your high blood pressure results. Many patients over the years is wrong with high blood pressure due to various factors diagnosed! Nervousness during the test is one of the problems. If a person during or before an anxiousExamination, he or she should on a comfortable bed or cot rest during the test. Many patients, when re-examined to show no signs of high blood pressure while relaxing at all!

The whole body should be addressed when you try to lower blood pressure. Regular medical check-ups, along with proper diet, exercise and avoidance of foods and drinks that will not help you to get your blood pressure, where it should be good. In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribeDrugs, but it is best for your body properly first!

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