The Council of the Continental University, Los Andes University, congratulated the UNCP University, the professional organization for journalists, and cultural center of Peru and recognizes
The Roman Empire under Trajan 117 AD
A Brief History of Time: There was a time when Arabs could travel from Tripoli to Tangier, without ever having to console transition from the shade of olive trees around them, a time when cities and towns everywhere arose, a time of great architecture, and ifTo find literature, new voices. An era when the beauty of Rome gleamed from England, Italy and pert near all of Europe for the most part, Asian, together with parts of Africa and, where forums, temples, aqueducts, theaters, and reached the Roman world of side to side, and showed his wealth. A time of economic security, order, discipline, which would in a short time later it disintegrated, chaos and negligence on the roads, dams ruin, and channels. Ephesus was a world-class city,Asia Minor and was the city where a number of the apostles went, especially John, which took place around Mary, the Mother of Christ, and had a brick house on the hill in the city walls built where the Ephesians, built long and winding marble corridors, which apparently all ...... on the marble facade of his vast library lead and this is our story takes place
It is half past eleven in the evening, it is dark except for a couple of lit torchesscattered sporadically in the hallway, the library of Ephesus, which leads out of marble. There is a large marble engraved sign on the archway next to the library, the emperor of Rome, Augustus paid (not correctly written on the sheet) that reads his name, but they are not there, they are all walking down the aisle; two girls with two Roman soldiers eyed walk down the hall to the library, the four are a chicken. The two soldiers in uniform, theyStatues and appropriate accommodation for the priests and soldiers, and temporary housing, small temples, shrines, such as in the corridor, many columns. One of the girls to stop and look mutters a marble sanctuary and suddenly hears a voice, almost seductive ...
1. Roman soldiers. Let's keep going. The night is getting late, and I got the guards to inspect in the morning.
Girl. I heard a voice, it sounded familiar.
(The other soldier and a girl have to go down the hall towardsLibrary)
1. Roman soldiers. Why should the fact its there?
Girl. Well, I do not care, let's take a look.
1. Roman soldiers. So it seems I have a one loud. To hell with it, I've got better things to do with you, as a fool around inside someone else's private affairs, what is the structure of a room or a house or harbor.
Girl. You are a donkey!
1. Roman soldiers. This is not so bad, I had even worse times.
(He still stands, puts his hand over his mouth as ifSay, thinking how to do it further, shivering did not sober, but do not fall down)
Have I ever been nice? I mean, you know who I am, what I do?
Girl. I do not care what you do when you're not with me, all you have Roman soldiers frightening when you're drunk, and rude if you are not. All I wanted was to see who was inside. If it is too much to ask him to hell, let's dumb only the beginning of the library so that you can do what your heart desires, there must have available when weyou can inside, you say you are a commander, I think we can.
1. Roman soldiers. Okay, okay you win, I will look inside and see. But I'll just say that a woman brings two moments of happiness with a man: if it makes love to him, the other is when she rises from bed, and leaves him alone and have peace.
(The girl smiled, a very large and bright smile you have, with a slight smirk, as if to say: Well, I have) my will
Girl. I wish I had a marble sanctuary ofone, I'll buy myself one day.
Curtain rises at once to Scene II Inside the room that is really a protection for a statue of Dionysos, something like a sanctuary, one might say, there is a cot behind the statue in the shrine, and there is a small table next to the bed, a priest with the name Demetrius sat upon him with a woman named Lydia at his side, and he speaks on trade, together with Cayster and meanderswith religion and art, whatever is the conversation, you can hear only gibberish for the most part, maybe not the copy does something that makes sense if we became aware that it almost looks like a show presented to an audience. The woman is wearing expensive. Beside the bed is a burning candle, which is brightly lit. Lydia is a beautiful tall brunette girl sitting at the edge of the cot. Behind her, and it is a small square window, you can see the stars through them. There is a map on the wallof leather, it has a drawing of the entire area on and all the aisles looking for the marble, in particular concerning the library and a diabolical symbol. The Roman Soldier (Theodorus) is they have both, especially Lydia, who sees only up from an ancient scroll has them on her lap, which one would think she had read, but whose to say, it is easy to see that, as if disturbed from being disturbed, it says in a very small voice:
Lydia (she notes thatRoman soldier) is of high rank. Sir, if there is anything you could want, or want, please indicate what it is, other than that, please let us, our business, and bother us no more.
(The man, whose name is Theodore, going to look at the two)
Would you please stop staring, it's very disturbing.
(Theodorus next to her alone now look) (The priest is short and thin, almost lame looking, if not almost deformed, and slightly uncomfortable, ugly as a deadRat)
Lydia. Become part of the job? (No answer is given by Theodorus)
((Theodore, over six feet, two hundred pounds, with a rough beard, have now produced a ruthless, yet wild look on his face as if he was insulted, but neither the girl nor show the man, not afraid or for that matter, retribution.
Girl. Let's go look Bupalus I'm ambidextrous and I never miss my target with both hands, and we have things to do in the library.
1. Roman soldiers. (SpeakingLydia) What name do you go?
Lydia. Many, but will do Lydia!
(Without retort he remains close to a trance, almost as if overtaken by her beauty and pain, they have to. His mind full of folly, and thought, you can see him in his own, owning and continence)
Lydia (eyes, constantly changing, as if) in fire and water. It is distaining explain to my conclusions in clear terms to a regular soldier.
Demetrius. (Speaking passionately) I assure you, sir, we were notdo something terrible in this sanctuary, I am a philosopher and poet, but also as a priest, and I'm Lydia teacher, and I get a lot of the arts.
1. Roman soldiers. (Still Lydia) Sun gazing you do!
Demetrius. Perhaps we should move into the temple of Artemis, it is more private it, Lydia?
Lydia. We should and we should not. Here, our universe is wider, more and more out of a variety, change from one state of hell, the soldier is from the many, and he lives in the veryHeart of hell, fire flickers restlessly in his head. DEMETRIUS You are the filling of the life and good humor.
1. Roman soldiers. What kind of dull jokes are these? I'm bored Lydia bitch.
Lydia. Do not call me names, keep your bitch, you do not know, do the risks.
1. Roman soldiers. Do you understand everything that will happen here, or what's happened here?
Lydia. No, I understand a little about the universe, but not half as muchas Demetrius, you are like fire, terrible, and a mystery to me why you stay here you can not sense the danger?
Demetrius. He is like volcanic soil makes his island, it will go to a garden with fruit trees and vines in essence, he wants to Make Love To You. He is in conjunction with his dead-I have to regain, to power you apparently taken away from him as a man. But if he touches you, one of the rain that is stronger than Zeus will fall upon him, and from the sky.
1.Roman soldiers. My God is not Zeus, perhaps Neptune, Zeus swallowed up or his slave of Tiamat, and thy God, which you say is more powerful than Zeus.
Demetrius. Maybe I'll swallow it too, and you Lydia.
Girl. (In a trembling voice) I would like to do, I do not think that this is all very useful, really, let's get out of here.
(But Lydia was close to paralyzing beauty, and he did not move, and he does not move, so he lost his chance to ...)
1. NovelSoldier. No! I want to stay here. It is amusing, and so much more alive than just sex. And you act like a child.
Demetrius. Is that the best medicine in the Greek and Roman, to take what does not belong to you with violence, because no one can stop them, or punish?
1. Roman soldiers. Is not that what Plato, my philosophy It's your God made man?
Demetrius. I see that you have learned something, but you must not give way to spare your heart you will feel pain andgone.
Girl. But he does rarely. I wish you would come (you want to move to the door to let is show her face, anxiety)
(It's a knock at the door)
I think our friends are here in search of us, darling.
(The other Roman soldiers, subordinated to hear voices in the little hut and goes, he is a lesser rank, and a little plump, short, he speaks extraordinary though.)
1. Roman soldiers. Oh, I see it's you.
2. Roman soldiers. How are you doingdoing all right, I hope? I was just down in the library, came back to see if you have a bite of any kind or sort do not want in your path. So everything is in order to find your friends here at ease?
1. Roman soldiers. Hard to say, before this lady of the arts, Lydia.
Demetrius. For sadness, you benefit not a whit, my friend Roman, this is the last warning.
2. Roman soldiers. (In an interview with Theadorus) I see you have it with a brightPhilosopher. You have the floor, and wit, but not the sword in such trying times such as these, my friend, his wit and words are like ice, they melt quickly and leave a big mess. Put him with the sword and take his bitch Sappho, her ring on a wooden cross.
Lydia. He will not!
2. Roman soldiers. Then I will.
(Lydia, she hooks her silk robe and let it fall onto the marble floor, he blows out the candle, and it is now dark, very dark, even the moon's shadow covers the moonDarken the refuge and the light outside of the structure appears to be somewhat obscured, as if a wind is for them with a veil)
Lydia. I'm coming.
2. Roman soldiers. I very much prefer you come to us both, before I draw my sword.
(It's a sound in the darkness of a cat) is
Curtain rises at once to Scene III. Inside the hut, through the small rear window you can see the moon, is lurking as if underapparently leaping shadows over her and saw shadows, as if Lydia had been a spectator, the moon seems to have even cold breath. There is a door between them around the frame of the sanctuary is open now, and you can see shadows, illuminated by the reflection of a torch in front of the door, which was destined to the hall. Demetrius is in bed, he stood close to static on the bed and saw it all coming through the window, sounds and voices, haunting voices from afar, it's a strugglegoing on in the hut on the ground ...
(It's a purr of a big cat in the dark in the hut, it seems to be a flash) is
2. Roman soldiers. It's terrible, she on her hands and knees, she has legs, long claws, she crawls like a cat trying to gnaw at me, scratch me, perhaps the gods forbid me to eat (he shouts)
1. Roman soldiers. I'm worse than you, she bit me in the leg I'm bleeding, it is deaf, I can not be complete, perhaps she has a pieceout of it ... She is unbelievable, she is transformed into a cat like thing, a terrible, demon. (And you can hear bones breaking, as if she had broken the teeth)
(The cat-wife, Lydia, is seemingly constantly hungry and you can understand a long, thick tongue from his mouth, not lack of food, see the beautiful yellow eyes has become a beast of the fingers angrily and then the candle is lit by Demetrius, as if he is missing something and wants to see everyone, the girl has disappeared,and the two soldiers are eaten alive, almost to the bone, shredded, as if rats had been drawn, and they consumed their bowels hollow. Of course they are dead. They see this as a light in the cabin, as if Demetrius lit the place itself, by the light of the moon and yet he just looks at the moon, the little square window)
Demetrius. (In an interview with Lydia, quietly, she is found naked, sitting on the bed) What's on your mind?
Lydia. Always a littlesomething.
Demetrius. Do not worry, I stopped everything.
Lydia. You be careful, Demetrius, when you do bury them, it far away, there are two whores who know what happened here, and people think you're a priest.
Demetrius. (In the vicinity of a low-joking voice) He fell in love just by looking at you. Your body and appearance, it was like sweet wine and honey to it, and we smote him, because his curiosity, like a bee. We just have to return to Pergamun where my earthly throne-seat stays.They are foolish to think that Jupiter and Neptune could have power over me, or even quote so weak-minded philosophers and poets such as Socrates, Plato, Sappho, as if they are impressed me the evil sprite, the evil force. If anything I'm sad, she could not see the facade of who I am, for I am the great enemy in person, I was a bright star in the sky again I was the chosen one among the heavens from the Almighty Himself, All the powers of the angels. When I realized it was theUnfortunately for the Roman soldiers, walked to our little beehive, although almost expected, if not he would have, then someone else, and the girl also slipped, but for some odd and unconscious Omen them away, I was able to express their domination was beginning to open her mind for him, and here she met the famous ecstatic evil spirit on earth, she has a story to tell, if only they knew how to say it, I again want to her but to be fair, perhaps more knowingly than ignorant.
. ((He-inIn modern terms is Lucifer himself, and his courtesan drachmas, Lydia, can transform and shape-change at will, and loves warm blood from those simply an extra treat, knew that the Roman soldiers to provoke, both of them before they required act of revenge, and all are good for them to leave, they were both very happy.)
Notes to the games: "The corridors in Ephesus" or "The Devil Gets the Best" and awarded throughout the day, 29 August 2009, in Huancayo,Peru and revised and edited 30th August 2009. The game is produced here in its entirety. The drawing done, which saw the author, from whom he has called "the devil and the snake" was by a painting by the author to Xin Yang, Yang Yang in the Gallery in Roseville, Minnesota, 1999 inspired.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will be fine the rest for your souls." Matt. XI. Line: 29
From the Bible, the author (purchased in 1991), writingdated 1846, Amelia Hutchinson
it always loving mother ...
Copyright © August, 2009 by Dennis L. Siluk
All rights reserved. No part of this adventure may be reproduced in any form, except with the permission of the original copyright holder, Dennis L. Siluk (First appearing in a popular book of 500 copies)
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